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NOW is the time to


   not by chance

a PROVEN system to remove fear, anxiety and doubt so you can sell more with less pressure!




Does this sound Hard To Believe?

There are many aspects to sales and many ways to approach selling.

Sell by Choice builds on proven principles that have stood the test of time and break down selling to the fundamentals and uses strategies that produce results immediately.

OR, does this sound familiar…



· and on your mind was, why?

· I don’t even know what I could have done better…

· I tried my best, will I ever sell again?

· am I supposed to ignore it when they say NO?

· is this even what I want to do?   

I have a quick question for you.  

How would you feel if you could predict your results, month in and month out.  Would it matter which prospect bought and which one didn’t?

So why aren’t your results predictable?

In the back of your mind, have you ever asked yourself the question,

“If I knew exactly what to do and what to say, I would do it” ?


My name is Jack Kvaska.  I have made multi-millions of dollars in sales.  But it almost never happened.

It was a Friday, I had done 16 presentations all week and sold nothing.  I knew there was no paycheque for me that week, my new wife was at home and I had to tell her.  Then my manager called me into his office and told me to take the weekend off and think about my job …

On top of no money, now I’m stressing out at the thought of losing my job.  When I started, I thought I was going to be a regional manager and now I had to think of a good reason why they should keep me on as a salesperson.

The biggest sale I ever made was on Monday, I convinced him to keep me on. And that was the beginning of my successful sales journey.

So how did I get to this low point?

When I started in sales, there were big promises of money, cars and vacations. I liked the freedom of sales and being paid based on how hard I worked, so I bought in.

I did everything my sales trainer told me to do but I was not making enough money.  So I took sales courses, went to sales seminars and read any book I could find on sales. I listened to the mantras, “you can be better than you are“, Think Positive, “you are what you think about“, on and on.

But nothing changed.

My sales were hit and miss.  I still remember the fear, anxiety and doubt I felt on every call.

I was so stressed out when I asked for the sale, fearing more no’s and rejection, I made myself sick.  The pressure I felt was inadvertently put onto my customer but I did not know how to fix it.

The company I worked for told me to just focus on writing orders and to keep doing more appointments. “If you’re not selling, you must be negative“. I began to dread going on calls.

The problem I had was that nothing seemed predictable, I had no control over anything!


Each appointment seemed a waste of my time, The same objections came up over and over, basically rejection over and over and I’d either draw a blank or fumble some response, over and over again.

From all the courses I took and the reading I did, I had a ton of “closes” in my head, lots of ideas on how to turn the appointment around and affirmations to say, but nothing was working. I didn’t know how to organize all this “information” into results.

I felt stuck, with no hope of ever getting off the treadmill, let alone becoming the sales great I visualized I was.

When I started in sales with a newspaper route, it was a way to make extra spending money.  It was exciting because I was in control of my income, I could knock on doors to increase my client base and I built a good little business for a kid. When I got older, I found bigger and better products to sell.

But someWHERE, it stopped being fun.

That is when I realized with all this effort and energy for so little, something must be missing.

Where did the fun go?

Why did appointments seem like an uphill battle from the start?

That is when I decided I had enough, I had to make a change.
I no longer wanted to focus on making money, I wanted to feel better earning it.

First I scrapped everything I’d learned and went right back to the company’s training presentation.  I’d gotten so off track, that helped a bit.

Then I broke my selling cycle into parts. I recognized areas I was good at and worked on improving areas I was weaker at. That helped a bit more.

When I saw a bit of improvement I put my energy into the Law of Averages and the Law of Large Numbers. That kept me focused and gave me something to track.

The big problem was that without a system, that I believed in, energy and attitude could only get me so far.

Finally, after trial and error on the many moving parts in the sales process, I broke them down into to 6 simple secrets that gave me predictable results.

The big lie.  

For years they had been telling me that with a positive attitude and massive action, it will all work out fine. When I figured out that was not entirely true, I was able to break free of the expectations and pressure, back to having FUN AGAIN!

The real issue we all have is that activity in itself, will not necessarily produce the results you need.

Most sales companies encourage you to promote, promote, promote (their) product and give you assurances that it will all work out over time.  This spends your energy and your time on behalf of their product, so they may not really care.  There comes a time you need to find a way of selling that is predictable and  maximizes your time and energy.

Our common enemy is that we are taught to MAKE sales to MAKE money. That is what creates anxiety and keeps us from having fun.

I didn’t realize that when I started developing how to sell by choice, that not only does it allow me to predict my income, but it also increased my average commission per sale, my closing percentage and it made selling fun again.

I realized that it was about earning money by using a predictive selling system, my closing percentage went from 20% to 30% to 40% and more, really fast.

And that’s why I created Sell By Choice, not by chance.

how to turn fear and anxiety into a predictable sales system, that anyone can do.

This took years to develop the entire sales system by myself and cost me years of trial and error but in the end it was worth it.

It made the sales process so much easier!  What used to make me doubt myself and question my abilities, I could quickly identify what was really happening.

Sell By Choice will direct your focus to areas you can control, so you can eliminate fear, anxiety and doubt.

~ It offers a predictable income formula you can count on, to relieve stress.

~ It is based on Laws and Principles that have stood the test of time.

~ By following a predictable selling system, not only did I earn more money, I eliminated pressure on myself to sell and therefore, on the customer to buy.

But before we get started, let me ask you this question, would you like to get access to a system that allows you to Sell By Choice for less than the cost of a car payment or a mortgage payment?

Now while it would be impossible to show you all the benefits of Selling by Choice, I want to give you a SNEAK PEEK of some easy to implement secrets you will learn when you are on the inside.

One Formula,

Two Variables,

Three Irrefutable Laws,

Four Personality and Call Conditions,

Five Basic Fundamentals to Build on

in Six Modules to change how you sell, forever.

We’ve included all you need to Sell by Choice, not by chance.

Each module builds on the next to build a highly successful sales process, one I use myself and that I’ve trained hundreds of others to use as well.

We’ve held nothing back, it’s all here!

The Uncommon Salesperson

There are uncommon people around us, people we remember. When you give more than expected it builds a self confidence in you that nothing else can achieve. Learn tips that will turn your presentations from mediocre to amazing!

Why Scoring is Important

Personally, I love the game of golf and scoring is a big part of the game. Like in all businesses, athletes, academics and gamers, from biggest pumpkins to dog shows … it allows everyone the same advantage and a way to measure progress. Let scoring boost your sales results!

Why They Sell More Than You

Ever wonder what makes a great salesperson? Someone that gets along with everyone, appears to sell without even asking for the sale? This module is an introduction into identifying personalities and call situations… so you can build rapport quickly.

Get on Track and Stay on Track

A successful salesperson protects his attitude as the asset it is.  This module is a revealing look at the relationship between motivation and experience is critical to the new or struggling salesperson.

Build Your Success

Brick by Brick.  And only on a solid foundation, should anything of value be initiated.  This module will show you how to break down your sales cycle so you can identify the basics and build a sales presentation you can deliver with ease!

The Predictable Income Formula

They say everything can be reduced to the numbers. This income formula can help you understand your skill level and incrementally increase each aspect. Plug in your income goal and work backward to see your sales strategy come to life.

“I used this system and hit the top 10 in my company within 6 months of starting.

The decision to get involved in the sales was a big risk for me.  I was a single mother of 2 young daughters but felt confident enough in myself and the system to put a $25,000 second mortgage on my house to be personally trained in this system.

It wasn’t “easy” but my results inspired me and I’m very proud of what I achieved.”

Heide Lambert, Edmonton Alberta Canada

wait… there’s more?



Work Books

Each module comes with a downloadable work book designed to review the lesson. They are a place you can expand on the ideas presented and make them you own.


Real stories of success and how to’s on each module, short, actionable designed to refresh, motivate and encourage action.

One on One Mentoring Calls

I’ve found that we all process info different, sometimes it isn’t all clear and a coach in the corner can help us through some of the tough rounds. That’s why I’ve included one on one time.

Tools to Sell By

Each module has downloads of the tools developed over the years to help keep you on track.

This can be you too!

SELL BY CHOICE appeals to anyone who needs to increase their income.
You may be selling for a company as a representative, your own line of services or even through home parties.
learn a sales process that is systematic and logical so you too can excel.
Working Mothers

Women are fantastic at promoting their own businesses. This course helps build an income quickly and to make the most of your time away from home.

Building Retirement

Not ready for retirement, want a little more security? It isn't just about being busy, it is about creating. Sell by choice will speed up your success!

On the way Up

Young and Ambitious? Motivated and want to dominate your market? Why spend years learning when Sell By Choice is the blueprint for your success!

The total value of all this is easily worth over $10,000 just based on the results people get over 90 days.  

As a matter of fact, this course has been marketed and previously sold for $15,000 and up to $35,000 with two-three weeks of in-house training.  

*If all this course did was increase your income 10%, month in and month out, would it be worth it?

*If all this course did was give you a formula to predict your income, would it be worth it?

*If all this course did was to take away fear, anxiety and doubt while making sales fun again, would it be worth it?


SO, We are not charging $10,000 …

the cost to you is $1,879.


We are going to take all the risk with our 90 day RESULTS  PLEDGE. If you don’t find that success is happening for you, it may just be a matter of time and we will work with you until you achieve success.



Imagine what life would be like when you could predict your income at the start of the month, and achieve it…

Imagine never feeling stressed out or anxious about the next sales presentation, but instead being unconcerned about which prospect will buy and having fun with predictable results…

“Sales CAN BE the highest paid easy work,
or the lowest paying hard work”.

Every product we have marketed, we have introduced at the lowest price possible.  This is your opportunity to get the Sell by Choice, not by chance sales training at the best price possible.  Click the link below to get started!

By doing nothing … you may save some money. However without our help, you’ll always be working harder and under more stress than you really need to.

I know it sounds harsh, but if you really could sell by choice, I think you’d agree it ris way better than selling by chance…   It won’t matter to us if you sign up or not because we won’t know. We will still go about our business selling by choice, whether you join our team or not.

But our goal is to have you on board, Selling by Choice and not by chance!

FAQ’s for you

How can this course help me sell more?

Sell by Choice is a practical, hands on approach to sales training.  It is a sales process with strategies and tools to cover your entire sales cycle. We provide practical suggestions you can incorporate immediately, you should see results within the first couple of weeks.

I've taken lots of sales courses, why is Sell By Choice better?

Selling by choice is simple, it does not reinvent the wheel but each module is based on fundamentals, principles and formulas that have been time tested for hundreds of years.

Ideas are a dime a dozen, it is the people who put them into action that make a difference.  Sell by Choice is set up to encourage implementation of the strategies right out the gate!

If I buy this course, how will you help me?

The course is designed to be self directed.  The modules, tools, workbooks and mp3’s are easy to use and can be implemented right away.

But, we have options in the bonus’ section to get some time for one on one mentoring for your specific problem or area of interest.

We are planning to provide online training for submitted questions that you can participate in.  Sometimes listening to other people’s questions will answer yours. So get involved and ask questions!

We are here to help those who want to help themselves.

What is the RESULTS Pledge?

All guarantees are based on trust.

If Sell by Choice works for you there is no reason to ask for a refund.

We believe that by implementing the strategies we teach you, completing the work books, using the tools, and listening to the course modules and mp3’s you will at least double the amount you paid for the course.  The Live Calls and Coaching is there for you, since you cannot return time, we cannot return payment.

At this point we have a 100% success ratio, every student has increased their income, but we cannot guarantee everyone will apply the proven principles being taught.

Our Pledge:  If you don’t find that success is happening for you, it may just be a matter of time and we will work with you until you achieve success.  You may cancel at any time.

If I buy the 1st module and want to upgrade to the whole course, I have 30 days to buy the rest at $1,797?

Yes, you can test out the first module and then upgrade to the whole course if you want to move slower or simply check it out.

You will pay $218 more but that may be option that makes you more comfortable.

Or you can just dive in and go for it!

What if I am a slow learner?

On my journey, I have run across many different types of people… and not all of them were “born salesman”.  I’ve successfully trained people with a brain injury, mercury poisoning and a few people with very limited english language skills.  Each of them made up for it in tenacity and sincerity.

Zero Risk Zone

We designed two plans for you!



The Full Meal Deal
$1,879 USD one-time payment

This is a limited time LAUNCH OFFER that will expire on March 31st, 2018

Sell By Choice, not by Chance Foundational Sales System
Full Details
Toe in the water
$300 USD One-module One-time payment

Optional upgrade to the full course within 30 days for an additional $1,797 USD

Sell By Choice, not by Chance Foundational Sales System
Full Details

May we brag a little ….

This course has made me realize how I have not been running my business like a business.  It’s all been by chance which I just realize as I type that the name of this course is brilliant.

Thanks for everything, this was a game changer.

Rosa Coelho
ROCO Fit Health Coach & Speaker

THANK YOU for Sell by Choice… I am astounded by how much progress I made in just over 6 weeks!

I attribute my first sale to what I learned from you!”

Now I feel so proud to know I can provide a predictable income for myself, it’s given me a confidence that is priceless…

I RECOMMEND this course to people who have drive but just feel lost… like they’re shooting aimlessly, losing time and motivation.

Qelsey Zeeper
Mainstream Meditation Maven

I’m very excited to get back to basics!

I have personally learned so many valuable lessons from Jack during the several months he spent teaching me his amazing system.

I loved module 4 where Jack shows how passion is going to help drive new salespeople not to get discouraged, it was awesome.

I have since put every aspect of this program into all of my companies and business ventures.

Rod Flahr
Professional Athlete Trainer

“I love the score card, it caused me to do two calls I was avoiding and I felt great afterward.”

“I see marked improvement in my business using the Sell by Choice principles… lots of changes taking place, new motivation to move forward in a big way…


Colleen Ceton
Sunrider Master Director

Much more than just ‘sales’ in there – just wanted to say that I can tell a lot of work has gone into it and it’s powerful stuff!  You got a winner on your hands! Excited to be a part of it!

I’ve learned stuff from Jack that I have never read in another book.  Original, get it done mentality.

Love it!

Lucas Rubix
The Coaches Coach

HEY! don’t let this opportunity pass you by …

The Full Meal Deal
$1,879 USD one-time payment

This is a limited time LAUNCH OFFER that will expire on March 31st, 2018

Sell By Choice, not by Chance Foundational Sales System
Full Details
Toe in the water
$300 USD One-module One-time payment

Optional upgrade to the full course within 30 days for an additional $1,797 USD

Sell By Choice, not by Chance Foundational Sales System
Full Details